
Mountpoint /stream

Play stream

Further information

Stream Name: Online Radio
Stream Description: Unspecified description
Content Type: audio/mpeg
Stream started: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 06:41:07 +0000
Bitrate: 128
Listeners (current): 5
Listeners (peak): 92
Genre: various
Currently playing: AutoDJ: Meat Loaf - I'd Lie For You


Album Track Creator Title
AutoDJ: CRSA - One of the finest internet radio stations
AutoDJ: Queen
AutoDJ: 0477 - Lenny Kravitz - It Ain't Over Till It's Over
AutoDJ: The Babys - Everytime I Think Of You
AutoDJ: CRSA - Song
AutoDJ: Hot Chocolate - Everyone's A Winner
AutoDJ: Inxs - Original Sin
AutoDJ: The Motors - Airport
AutoDJ: CRSA - One of the finest internet radio stations
AutoDJ: Meat Loaf - I'd Lie For You